Saturday 10 October 2009

Rainy Days.....

The weather has now turned extremely windy and rainy up here. Even the Scottish people are commenting on how awful the weather is and I would have thought they were used to it. Our house is incredibly warm though. We've had the heating on a couple of times, but the house seems to retain it. I think that is the most boring paragraph I have ever written in my life.....
I've been taking my insulin all this week. My sugar levels are still quite high, so my dosage has been increased gradually each day. The levels this morning were a bit lower, but still too high. They said it would take a while to get it all sorted. It's all going well. The only thing I would say is you have to be fairly organised and remember to do things. To aid me, I ordered a special diabetes 'kit bag' from a company on the internet. It was advertised in the Diabetes magazine the hospital gave me. It looks like a filofax but inside are all compartment to hold the various bits of equipment I have. It wasn't cheap either. I totally lost the plot when it arrived. It's a tan leather and was marked to buggery. I sent it back with a stinking letter. I was so disappointed. How dare they send out such a cack piece of stock. It was scratched, marked and has some sort of water stain. Yesterday a got a phone call from the woman who owns the company saying how sorry she was and she would send another one out that she would check personally. So I agreed. I'd looked on the internet for another kitbag but they were the only company that made a bag totally equipped for diabetics. The woman who owned the company designed the kitbag because she could never find anything suitable to carry all her kit in. I feel however she has overpriced all the goods...based on the kitbag I got. Lets see what I get in the post next week. There is however a market for cheaper and more fashionable bags, I feel.
My symptoms have started to ease. I slept the whole night through on Thursday without doing a wee, having a drink and the boys didn't wake. The first full night in about 4 years.
Our last lot of furniture arrived in the week, so now we have no excuse not to unpack the garage of all our 'gumpf'. Clearly nothing essential as it's still out there. I have to make the furniture though. As much as I enjoy a bit of flat pack, I'm now bored of it.
I saw High School Musical for the first time in the week. I've mentioned it on FaceBook, but I have to say I LOVED it. It was so jolly and happy and over the top. Just what a Disney film should be. Primary colours, everyone good-looking, happy. Marvellous. Just need to see 2 & 3.
Right, I'm off. Lots of love

1 comment:

  1. sal, lots going on hey? sounds like you are battling through these tricky times, and a good nights sleep makes all the difference... i think you should get designing kit bags, could be a great project. hope the weather improves... catch up with you soon.... "together, forever"
