Wednesday 14 October 2009


I'm telling you now, you do not realise how amazingly fantastic Ikea until it is taken away from you. It is well priced, well made and well designed. Furnishing this house without Ikea ten minutes away has been very difficult. We ordered some stuff from Argos and it was shite, as well as being more expensive than my favourite Swedish shop.

There isn't one in Aberdeen, so yesterday we got in the car and did the three hour drive to Edinburgh. And it was SO worth it. It felt familiar. I felt at home as I browsed the Malm drawers and Riba frames. I felt safe and secure drinking my free coffee (thanks to my family card) in the cafe, as the aroma of meat balls wafted through the air. I marvelled at glasses we don't need and saucepans we don't want. I wanted candles, vases, lamps.... I want it all. I actually think even if I had millions I would still go to Ikea. God, I love it. Love it. And the Christmas decorations are in. Sadly I couldn't get John excited about their wrapping paper or heart shaped baubles, but I'm hoping to get Mum up here soon and we can make a day of it.

John is at home this week. It's the school holidays up here. The boys have two weeks off. It's Wednesday already and the week has been lovely so far. Yesterday was great and the house is really coming together. It's so cosy and nice. I still feel it's homely, but we have space and I'm managing to keep it tidy. I do have some help with cleaning though. There are three bathrooms and a toilet. I don't mind dusting and vacuuming, but hate bathroom cleaning. Molly Maid come every two weeks and two lovely Scottish girls whizz round here in an hour and a half. It's a total luxury and I'm enjoying it while I can.

My sugars are still quite high, but I have two appointments tomorrow. The first is a three hour group course on high to 'count carbs' and make sure you take the right amount of insulin to break the sugar down. The other is in the afternoon with the diabetes nurse at the hospital. I do feel better in general, so something must be working. I jut hope we can get the sugars right down over the next few weeks.

So, the boys and I arrive back in London, late Monday afternoon. I am so looking forward to coming back for a visit and doing some City things. Starbucks, a decent Chinese...that's it...and seeing my friends and mum and Alice. I really have missed Al. I miss Mum too, but at least have seen her. It's hard for Al, to get the time off work and it can be expensive flying up here. Mum has the time to do the train. Speaking of the train, we've also booked our Christmas train tickets. We're back on the 23rd December til the 29th. Hopefully we'll be around for some of the festive action!

It's been a lazy morning here, so I'm off to get ready and I think we're hoping to drive somewhere. I want to go to Peterhead and see the fishing boats and buy fresh fish. The sun is desperately trying to break through the clouds. I'll do my flat pack tomorrow.

Lots of love




  1. lovely post Sal - xmas baubles, fresh glad you're feeling better, and so looking forward to seeing you!! call me when you get into town..would love to see you and the boys. miss you. xxx

  2. oh i would love to see some fishing boats, i love fishing boats! did you go? hope to see you some time next week. maybe we can arrange something with bee as we're so close by. x
